Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Princess Castle Cake

So my little princess celebrated her 6th birthday, which obviously involved the request of a lavish princess cake. After much searching on Pinterest, I got a few ideas that I would try out. The best one I  found was one waffle cone turned upside down on to a classic ice cream cone to create an awesome looking tower. Using Candy Melts from Michaels, sprinkles, ice cream cones, and a little tube of green icing & a tube of brown icing (i'm lazy didn't have the time to make my own)

All I did was take my pink candy melts, throw a dozen in the bottom of a pyrex measuring cup, fired it in the microwave for a minute, stirring at 30 seconds. Then with a butter knife i coated the ice cream cones with the candy melts, sprinkled pretty shimmery sugar sprinkles. They were dried up fairly quickly in a matter of minutes. Then I squeezed out some green icing in a jagged line up the side of the cones, added a brown little window and some flower sprinkles and volia! 
It wasn't perfect but my little girl loved it and thought it was fantastic, and I know I put in some effort.

Pink & white marshmallow stairs, a graham cracker door with gel icing squeezed all over it.

Graham crackers covered in candy melts with sprinkles for the drawbridge, of course with candy necklaces, the columns are 2 ice cream cones connected at the ends covered again with the candy melts and sprinkles.

We added a little Rupunzel figurine hanging out of the top tower.

We also had an extra table cloth that I taped to the ceiling and cut down the centre, then pulled back and secured with extra pink princess tiaras.

And of course we had to try the balloon cascade for when our princess woke up on the morning of her big day. I chose to use extra paper ribbon instead of plastic, so she could smash thru the ribbons, like the finish of a race! 

We did some birthday grab bags for her kindergarden classmates, I used a photo ap to add words to a picture I had taken, then printed them out and added stickers for names and attached them to her bags.

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